söndag 24 januari 2010

One week in India and I'm still as happy as when I fist arrived!

Sorry about the poorly update and that I haven't posted any pictures yet, the connection possibilities aren't the best but I'll try to update at least once a week and with lots of pictures next time.

I'm still so happy happy happy here in India, I wonder when the problem will arise but hopefully it will stay this good. People are so very nice and friendly and I feel welcomed everywhere I go. Elsa (my Indian partner) and I arrived at our host family's house here in Mysore on the 19th and they are all so wonderful people. The host mothe wants us to call her "Ama", which means mom in Canada, the local language, and she is so eager to teach me Canada and today she will teach me how to cook lunch. She's a really good cook and I love her food so I always eat to much. I think I'll gain weight instead of loose as I thought in the beggining haha.

The host father is also vey nice but he works a lot so I haven't sped so much time with him yet and he doesn't speak so much english. They have a son, Sager, who studies Economics in Univesety and he is really nice, teaching me Canada too, and I teach him some swedish. Everybody is so talented when it comes to languges here in India, they speak at least 3-4 different, and some people speak more than 7!!

They also have a daughter who is maried and have the cutest baby I'ven seen, they ive in an other part of Mysoe but they spend a lot of time in the family, and the daughter Nandji, is so nice, yesterday she took us shopping. She will aso show us cheap places where to buy nice clothes. I have already bought some handmade, after my own measures and the clothes are so beautiful, I'll show you pictures later.

The work with homeless women is also very nice. I thought at first that it'd be tough o see so many people in need, but they are no victims. They are so nice and we play games and sing and talk and have so much fun together, even though they have been thrrough horriabe things. I love going to work! Only pobem is that most of them don't speak english but I'm learing Canda and Elsa and I are going to have english classes for them and some basic computer knowedge.

I could keep writing about eveything I love here but I'll do it in another update. Next time I'll tell you wha a nomal day looks like for me and I'll show you beautiful pictures. So until then, take care! Gros bisous!!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Shubarathi Miranda!
    Många hälsningar från Handen-folket.
    Benke o Gunilla

  2. Hej syster!

    Härligt att du har det så bra, jättekul att läsa bloggen och roligt att se lite bilder också!

    Saknar dig här såklart men glad att du trivs och att alla där är snälla :)

    Take care och lycka till med jobb o allt annat spännande!

    Kram o puss
