lördag 30 januari 2010

On my own for the first time!

Today is the first I'm outside the house without Elsa, I've just gone to an internet cafe 5 minutes from home but still the traffic is crazy. However I have stopped thinking that my last moment is coming each time I cross a street and I become braver day by day. Normally Elsa and I do everything together, it is very sweet and all, she really takes good care of me but it feels nice to have a tiny piece of independence again.

I can't upload pictures on this computer either so I'm afraid you have to wait some more for the wedding pictures. After the wedding we had such a nice time, Elsa, the host mother Komaula, Sonia (who works as an engineer and lives with the family) and me. Everybody agreed that being married is comparable to sitting in gail for a woman. I think women here are much more honest about their situation and find more comfort in each other than in Sweden. Then again the women's rights situation is completely different here in India.

When it comes to marriages here in India, it is most common that the parents arrange it and that the husband and wife don't know each other before. They believe it is a better insurance than being in love for a stable marriage, and that you learn to love someone if you are married to him/her. My host parnets had an arranged wedding and I beielve that they love each other now. When I told them about Swedish system with deworses being common and that most people remarry, the host father said that he never wanted someone else but Komaula and that he only loved her.

Their daughter Nandini, have a love marrige, which is less common and has less status, but the host mother is really proud of that, it was one of the first things she told me about her family. Whether you have an arraged or love marriage depends on the family, but in general people are very open about it and it is easy to talk about.

fredag 29 januari 2010

Indian wedding!

Two days ago I went to an indian wedding it was really nice! Everybody wore so beautiful Saris and the food was so tasty. I'll post pictures later so you'll see. Today we are going to have educatinal day about child labour which seems to be quite common here. I often see small kids working in their parents shop ect, due to pouverty.

I'll update soon again with pictures! See ya!

måndag 25 januari 2010

First pictures!!!

A normal breakfast here in India, Chapati bread with chutney and masala, so tasty!!

Elsa, my Indian partner, and I in the host family, eating breakfast.

Elsa with her soft toys, one japanease bear and one swedish elk.

My friend Shiva, feeding a banana to a monkey.

Elsa, me, Aishwarya, Elin and Rebecka outside a tempel in the middle of the night

The host father with his granddaughter Surevi, rhey really love each other.
Surevi with her mother, Nandini.
She is so nice, yesterday she took us shopping!

Elsa and I in the host family with friends to the family.
The whole groupe of indian swedish people outside Mysore palace which was really beautiful.
This is from the first day when we arrived here in India. They had a beautiful welcome ceremony.
Me in Elsa's Shoridar, traditional indian dress.
On our way to work and met this nice cow.

Elsa, my indian partner, and I in a shopping mall buying me indian clothes.

Yesterday the host mother Komaula taught me to cook "Palov", it was really good.

söndag 24 januari 2010

One week in India and I'm still as happy as when I fist arrived!

Sorry about the poorly update and that I haven't posted any pictures yet, the connection possibilities aren't the best but I'll try to update at least once a week and with lots of pictures next time.

I'm still so happy happy happy here in India, I wonder when the problem will arise but hopefully it will stay this good. People are so very nice and friendly and I feel welcomed everywhere I go. Elsa (my Indian partner) and I arrived at our host family's house here in Mysore on the 19th and they are all so wonderful people. The host mothe wants us to call her "Ama", which means mom in Canada, the local language, and she is so eager to teach me Canada and today she will teach me how to cook lunch. She's a really good cook and I love her food so I always eat to much. I think I'll gain weight instead of loose as I thought in the beggining haha.

The host father is also vey nice but he works a lot so I haven't sped so much time with him yet and he doesn't speak so much english. They have a son, Sager, who studies Economics in Univesety and he is really nice, teaching me Canada too, and I teach him some swedish. Everybody is so talented when it comes to languges here in India, they speak at least 3-4 different, and some people speak more than 7!!

They also have a daughter who is maried and have the cutest baby I'ven seen, they ive in an other part of Mysoe but they spend a lot of time in the family, and the daughter Nandji, is so nice, yesterday she took us shopping. She will aso show us cheap places where to buy nice clothes. I have already bought some handmade, after my own measures and the clothes are so beautiful, I'll show you pictures later.

The work with homeless women is also very nice. I thought at first that it'd be tough o see so many people in need, but they are no victims. They are so nice and we play games and sing and talk and have so much fun together, even though they have been thrrough horriabe things. I love going to work! Only pobem is that most of them don't speak english but I'm learing Canda and Elsa and I are going to have english classes for them and some basic computer knowedge.

I could keep writing about eveything I love here but I'll do it in another update. Next time I'll tell you wha a nomal day looks like for me and I'll show you beautiful pictures. So until then, take care! Gros bisous!!

måndag 18 januari 2010

India, here I am!

Shubarathi!! (means gond night/evening in canada, the local language here in Bangalore) So many things have happened since last time I updated! I'm in India now, outside the city of Bangalore. We're met up with all the indian people now and they are all so very nice and friendly! We're together atthis resort that is really peaceful and beatiful. In the morning we do yoga as the sun rises and we have really nice indian meals, including rice and hot spicy stew for breakfast - I love it! I hope to learn how to cook it myself before I leave.

Everything is ten times better than I ever could have expected and I am so happy right now! Everybody is so nice and I feel so welcome here. This will really be my home for the coming 3 mouths. I have gotten toknow the girl that I will partner wither during the whole project, she is so nice and easy to talk to and we have great fun together. Her name is Elizabeth but everybody call her Elsa. She's 18 years old, lives with her family in Bangalore and is studying to become a journalist. She has promised to teach me Canada (the local indian language here) and I will teach her Swedish, she's already really good. We get along so well and I feel that we're gonna be a great team.

Elsa and I are going to live in Mysore, a city 3 hours from Bangalore, in a host family with husband, wife and a 20 year old daughter. Tomorrow we're going to meet them for the first time and I'm a bit nervous - I so hope that they will like me! Within a few days Elsa and I are going to start working at a center for empowering women. The organisation is called Shakthi Dhama, which means "energy peace". It all seems really and well organized. The center offers a home to homeless women who have had different problems. Some have lived with an abusive husband, some havew been forced into prostitution and some are unwed mothers. I'm really excited about working there and I will tell you all about once I get more information.

To all my friends and family reading this, I send you all my love and I will write to you soon and answer all mails! Miss you lots but I'm so happy where I am! Gros bisous!! Miranda

onsdag 13 januari 2010

Hi again! Sorry about the poorly update, I've been buzy with studying and celebreting christmas. Time has gone by so quickly the last weeks so now it's just 2 days left and then I'm off to India! Seriously I can hardly believe it, but I'm so happy about it. Right now I've met up with the group of people going with me and they're all so cool. We're at this country house outside Stockholm, doing the final preparation for the trip and getting to know each other better. Outside the window there is beautiful white snow everywhere, the water is frozen and it's minus 15 degrees. Strange enought, this time in two days it'll be 30 degrees and hot sun and i'll probably be red like a lobster already. I'll tell you all about that then! Bisous!