I’m going to India in less than two months, I start the countdown today! The 16th of January I’ll be on the plane to whatever is expecting me there. I know that I am going to do voluntary work, probably with children. I know that I am going to run a project about human rights. I know I’m going to partner with an Indian girl. We’re going to work together, run the project together and we’re going to live in an Indian family together. I hope we’ll become the best of friends.
I also know that I am going to live in Mysore, a city 3 hours from Bangalore. Apart from this I don’t know much what to expect from my time in India. Almost anything could happen and I’m sure that I’m going develop myself and grow a lot as a person - and hopefully make the world a little bit better on the way. I am really excited and happy that I have this opportunity.
A beautiful mape of India.
I go through the organization CIU, who work with cultural youth exchange. The project is party SIDA financed and party private sponsors. Today I had a meeting with the founders of Business in Heart, a company/network who supports female enterprising. They were very positive to the project since they are on their way expanding their company to India and I’m looking forward to cooperate with them. Is your company/organization interested in a collaboration? Just email me on Miranda.akermalm@hotmail.com
So, just 57 days to go now and so much to do! Next week I’m going to two network meetings for Business in Heart, a meeting with the VD of my old high school and also I’m going to be interviewed for the local news paper. Not to mention that I have exams at University on Thursday. A busy week with other words, but I’m really looking forward to everything. India, here i come!
about to explore the religious mystisism.
Lycka till! Hoppas du får kul i Indien!
SvaraRaderaLycka till! Du kommer att klara det galant!
SvaraRaderaSpännande kära syster, ser fram emot att läsa mer här framöver!
SvaraRaderaLycka till med allt!
Kramar o pussar
bloggaren Miranda, det var lite oväntat må jag säga ;)
SvaraRaderaå andra sidan tycker jag att det är en sjukt bra idé, kan tänka mig att du fick skriva samma sak flera ggr när du var i Paris.
Kommer sakna dig en hel del när du åker härifrån. Du kommer få det skitkul!!
Mandur, det här kommer att bli super! Dö inte av alla sprutor och eller indiska sjukdomar. Se till att komma hem. Sprid "det sanna" budskapet internationellt, jag vet att du klarar det// SCUM
SvaraRaderaWoohooo! vad underbart att du vågar åka till Indien bara sådär(du har säkert lagt ner mycket tid och tanke på det här, men ändå). Du kommer i alla fall lära dig jätte mycket och de kommer säkert vara ett minne för livet.
SvaraRaderaJag kommer sakna dig, alla kommer sakna dig, så dö inte, helst ska du ta dig hem helskinad också.
Ta hand om dig vännen.
Fina bilder! Du kommer väl ihåg att vi ska göra världens bästa föreläsning om Sida och bistånd? :) Ha det fint!