Today is the first I'm outside the house without Elsa, I've just gone to an internet cafe 5 minutes from home but still the traffic is crazy. However I have stopped thinking that my last moment is coming each time I cross a street and I become braver day by day. Normally Elsa and I do everything together, it is very sweet and all, she really takes good care of me but it feels nice to have a tiny piece of independence again.
I can't upload pictures on this computer either so I'm afraid you have to wait some more for the wedding pictures. After the wedding we had such a nice time, Elsa, the host mother Komaula, Sonia (who works as an engineer and lives with the family) and me. Everybody agreed that being married is comparable to sitting in gail for a woman. I think women here are much more honest about their situation and find more comfort in each other than in Sweden. Then again the women's rights situation is completely different here in India.
When it comes to marriages here in India, it is most common that the parents arrange it and that the husband and wife don't know each other before. They believe it is a better insurance than being in love for a stable marriage, and that you learn to love someone if you are married to him/her. My host parnets had an arranged wedding and I beielve that they love each other now. When I told them about Swedish system with deworses being common and that most people remarry, the host father said that he never wanted someone else but Komaula and that he only loved her.
Their daughter Nandini, have a love marrige, which is less common and has less status, but the host mother is really proud of that, it was one of the first things she told me about her family. Whether you have an arraged or love marriage depends on the family, but in general people are very open about it and it is easy to talk about.